Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Okay... I don't know who suggested drawing a sponge.. but I do know~ I do NOT like drawing a sponge...! I was ready to chuck it all and just draw Spongebob... *sigh... I didn't, I did pull out my watercolors so I could draw my sponge... Well, now isn't that rather boring...? So I included more of my watercolor supplies to at least try to make a more interesting picture... and for the record, I almost didn't put this on my blog, I dislike it that much!


Anonymous said...

oh, but think of all the fun you had doing it!! lol!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this!!........;)

Sharon said...

I also found drawing a sponge less than inspiring, but you perked it up nicely with color.

Lydia Velarde said...

Great job on the sponge!

Margaret McCarthy Hunt said...

Great job...who knew a sponge could look so great!

R K said...

I'm with you on the sponge. I like the fact that you soaked yours in blue paint before you started your drawing: much more interesting(!)...or is that brilliant blue after the fact? Either way, I applaud your contribution to the further enhancement of the everyday: with your drawing and your truthful commentary. (I'm gearing up for next week's anticipated challenge: "draw a smudge".)
Owls are cool.

Serena Lewis said...

Karin, I think you did a fine job on the sponge! I also like the added extras.

I haven't done my sponge challenge yet but, when I do, I'll be happy if it looks half as good as your's does.

Lynn said...

Good for you for posting it even though you're not happy with it. It really is very good, you know, and your choice of color made it even more interesting.

Anonymous said...

Karin! --- The sponge is O.K. -- the problem is only that it's not inspiring you --

But! -- The owls, the owls! -- I love your collection of them scattered all over the paper - an interesting way to present them using variety and unity... I can't wait to see them in real life next time we get together. You Go, Girl!

soulbrush said...

wow, love this stuff. maybe i can get my kids at school to try this!

mrana said...

Karin, it's wonderful, not at all "goofy", and I love the way you've turned it into an interesting still life by surrounding it with everything else! Very cool.

sisu said...

Thank you everyone for the comments, I do enjoy reading what you get from my drawings...


Anonymous said...

Karin I think you did a good job on the sponge. I don't remember who suggested it, but it was in a long list of other things. The idea behind the challenges is that they are, well, challenging. if it was all birds, apples and butterflies that would be easy because they are pleasing subjects everyone likes. Good for you for taking on something difficult and making it work.

Teri said...

Oh gosh, I think it is a great sponge and compostion as well.

sisu said...

You're absolutely right Karen, and that's exactly what I try to do, challenge myself... Sometimes I like the challenge, sometimes I don't... But at least I did it... Thanks for stopping by..


MILLY said...

Thankyou Karin for lovely comment,the new girl appreciated it.Love your owls drawings,I have some drawings of owl feathers.

AnaGF said...

Well, I think your sponge looks just great, but I agree that including your art supplies makes it more interesting. Thak you for the nice words on my first EDM entry!

Emma Pod said...

I'm so glad you posted your sponge drawing! It's very nice! And I think the Spongebob idea is a scream.

Anonymous said...

I think this sponge drawing is wonderful, and you made an interesting still life by adding the other objects.

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

this is really great!